
Microbursts Microbursts are a localized column of sinking air within a thunderstorm and are divided into different types. Dry microbursts contain no moisture, while wet microbursts contain moisture (US Department of Commerce, 2016). The formation of microbursts are due to the weakening updrafts within a thunderstorm and increased strength of sinking air. There are many factors that contribute to the sinking column of air gaining strength; the result is the core of the column plummets to the ground, dispersing its force in all directions on the surface (US Department of Commerce, 2016). A common misconception is that a microburst is not as strong as a tornado, when in fact, the winds from a microburst can exceed 100 mph and cause significant damage to structures (US Department of Commerce, 2016). Microbursts have a significant effect on aviation due to their dangerous nature and relative unpredictability (US Department of Commerce, 201...